曹策问,汉族,1940年2月出生,湖南长沙人,研究生学历,教授。1957-1963年9月北京大学数学力学系数学专业学习;1963-1966年9月在北京大学数学力学系攻读研究生。 1983年9月任郑州大学数学系主任,1986年任教授;1987年2月任郑州大学副校长;1993年被国务院学位办评为博士生导师;1994年8月任郑州大学校长;2000年7月任合校后的郑州大学校长;2003年1月任政协河南省第九届委员会副主席;是第6、7、8、9、10届全国人大代表。兼任的社会职务有:1990-2000年任河南省数学会理事长,1988-2000年任中国数学会理事,1994-1997年、2008-现在国家自然科学基金会数学组评委。1980年获河南省重大科技成果一等奖,1984年被国家人事部授予“首批有突出贡献中青年专家”称号,1986年获“河南省劳动模范”荣誉称号,1990年被省政府授予“河南省优秀专家”称号
曹策问教授治学严谨,具有较高的学术成就。多年从事微分方程特征值理论、孤立子与可积动力系统等方向的研究。主持完成5项国家自然科学基金项目和国家“攀登计划”项目,发表学术论文62篇,其中被SCI收录26篇。代表成果是:在国际上首创特征值问题的非线形方法,用于从孤立子系统经过约束获得新的有限维可积系统。1989年4月在国际非线性物理学术讨论会上报告,引起中外专家的高度重视。代表作是“AKNS方程组Lax对的非线形化”(中国科学)和“特征值问题非线形化产生的经典可积系统”(No nlinear phvsics, Sprnger Verlag),所发表的论文被《SCI》收录的刊物多次印证(1990年以来高达152次)。他提出的由约束条件产生的坐标被同行誉为Moser-曹坐标。这一方法是该方向上的重要进展。
至今,共指导硕士研究生 24 人,其中已有 14 人毕业并分别到省内外高校或金融系统工作。曾为本科生和研究生开设包括解析几何、微分几何、仿射微分几何、复流形几何、微分流形、黎曼几何等几何学课程和其它公修课程。
2002 年 1 月至 2003 年 1 月在国家出国留学基金资助下赴德国柏林工业大学学习访问。 2005 年 7 月至 9 月获德国学术交流中心 (DAAD) 奖学金项目再次到柏林工业大学进行研究访问。 2006 年以来曾应邀多次访问德国柏林工业大学和日本东北大学。曾应邀在第四届中日友好几何会议 (2008 年 12 月 22-27 日于南开大学 ) 和中国数学会 2009 年学术年会( 2009 年 4 月 21-24 日于厦门大学)上作邀请报告。
曾获河南省自然科学优秀学术论文奖一等奖 2 次和二等奖 3 次,河南省教育厅自然科学优秀学术论文奖一等奖 3 次和二等奖一次。
1. Hu Zejun,LiHaizhong, Simon Udo, Vrancken Luc, On locally strongly convex affine hypersurfaces with parallel cubic form, Part I , Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 27 , 188–205, 2009 .
2. Hu Zejun, Tian Xiaoli , On Moebius form and Moebius isoparametric hypersurfaces , Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 25 (12), 2077–2092, 2009.
3. Hu Zejun, Zhai Shujie , Classification of Moebius isoparametric hypersurfaces in , Tohoku Mathematical Journal,60,499–526, 2008.
4. Feng Pinghua, Hu Zejun , An -estimate for surfaces of constant mean curvature in , Archiv der Mathematik, 91, 461–470, 2008.
5. Hu Zejun, Yang Fan , A new variational characterization of four-dimensional manifolds with constant scalar curvature, Results in Mathematics , 52, 315-321, 2008.
6. Hu Zejun, Li Haizhong and Vrancken Luc , Characterisations of the Calabi product of hyperbolic affine hyperspheres , Results in Mathematics, 52, 299-314, 2008.
7. Hu Zejun, Li Haizhong and Simon Udo , Schouten curvature functions on locally conformally flat Riemannian manifolds , Journal of Geometry, 88 , 75-100, 2008.
8. Hu Zejun , Scherfner Mike and Zhai Shujie: On spacelike hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature in the de Sitter space , Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 25 , 594–611, 2007.
9. Hu Zejun and Li Deying, Moebius isoparametric hypersurfaces with three principal curvatures , Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 232(2), 289-311, 2007.
10. Hu Zejun, Li Haizhong and Wang Changping, Classification of Moebius Isoparametric Hypersurfaces in , Monatshefte fuer Mathematik, 151, 201–222, 2007.
11. Hu Zejun and Zhai Shujie: Hypersurfaces of the hyperbolic space with constant scalar curvature , Results in Mathematics, 48 , 65-88, 2005.
12. Hu Zejun and Zhao Guosong: Some remarks on the Kozlowski-Simon conjecture for affine ovaloids, Banach Center Publications, 69, 189-193, 2005.
13. Hu Zejun and Li Haizhong: Classification of Moebius isoparametric hypersurfaces in , Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 179, 147-162, 2005.
14. Hu Zejun and Li Haizhong: A rigidity theorem for hypersurfaces with positive Moebius Ricci curvature in, Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics, 29(1), 29-47, 2005.
15. Hu Zejun and Li Haizhong : Classification of hypersurfaces with parallel Moebius second fundamental form in , Science in China Ser. A Mathematics, 47 (3), 1-14, 2004.
16. Hu Zejun and Li Haizhong : Willmore Lagrangian spheres in the complex Euclidean space , Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 25 (1), 73-98, 2004.
17. Hu Zejun and Li Haizhong : A new variational characterization of n-dimensional space forms , Transactions of the American Mathematical Society , 356(8), 3005-3023, 2004.
18. Hu Zejun and Li Haizhong : Scalar curvature, Killing vector fields and harmonic one-forms on compact Riemannian manifolds , Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society , 36 (5), 587-598, 2004.
19. Hu Zejun and Li Haizhong: Willmore submanifolds in a Riemannian manifold, Proceedings of the Workshop on Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics, pp. 251-275, Published by World Scientific, 2004.
20. Hu Zejun and Li Haizhong: Submanifolds with constant Moebius scalar curvature in S^n, Manuscripta Mathematica, 478(3), 887-302, 2003.
21. Hu Zejun and Wei Guoxin: On the nonexistence of stable minimal submanifolds and the Lawson-Simons conjecture, Colloquium Mathematicum, 96(5), 293-224, 2003.
22. Hu Zejun and Li Haizhong: Complete submanifolds with parallel mean curvature and finite total curvature, Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds X, eds. W.H.Chen et al.(pp.53-86), (2000).
23. Hu Zejun and Sun Zhenzu: A new interpretation for the B\"acklund transformation of the Sine-Gordon equation, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 23(1), 100-104, (2000).
24. Hu Zejun: A Liouville theorem for a class of nonlinear elliptic equations, Acta Mat hematica Scientia, 20(4),474-479,2000. (in Chinese)
25. Hu Zejun: Conformal deformations for prescribing Gaussian curvature on , Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 20(5), 587-596,(1999). (in Chinese)
26. Hu Zejun: Isometric immersions from the hyperbolic space into , Colloquium Mathematicum, 79(1),17-23,(1999).
27. Hu Zejun: Conformal deformations for prescribing scalar curvature on Riemannian manifolds with negative curvature, Acta Mathematica Sinica, New series, 14 (3), 361-370, (1998).
28. Hu Zejun and Zhao Guosong: Classification of isometric immersions of the hyperbolic space into , Geometriae Dedicata, 65(1), 47-57,(1997).
29. Hu Zejun and Zhao Guosong: Isometric immersions from the hyperbolic space into , Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 125(9), 2693-2697,(1997).
30. Hu Zejun and Li Haizhong: A global pinching theorem for compact surfaces in with constant mean curvature, Acta Mathematica Sinica, New Series, 12(2), 126-132,(1996).
31. Hu Zejun and Sun Zhenzu: Submanifolds in space forms with parallel mean curvature vector, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 16(1), 69-75, (1996). (in Chinese)
32. Hu Zejun: Complete hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature and nonnegative sectional curvature, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 123(9), 2835-2840, (1995).
1997-2004郑州大学数学系主任,中国数学会第九届理事,中国计算数学会第五届理事、第六届常务理事,河南省数学会第六届副理事长、第七届理事长,中国计算物理学会第六届理事、“高等学校计算数学学报”编委,“Mathematics Review” 评论员。
[1]. S.C.Chen,G.B.Ren,S.P.Mao,Second-order locking-free nonconforming elements for planar linear elasticity, J.Comp.Appl.Math., 233(2010) 2534-2548
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[4]. S.C.Chen,L.C.Xiao, Interpolation theory of anisotropic finite elements and applications, Science in China A,51(2008)8:1361-1375.
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[6]. G.Q.Zhu,S.C.Chen, Convergence and superconvergence analysis of an anisotropic nonconforming finite element methods for semi-singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems, Math.Meth.Appl.Sci., 312008)1387-1407.
[7]. G.Q.Zhu,S.C.Chen, Convergence and superconvergence analysis of finite element methods on grated meshes for singularly and semisingularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems, J.Comp.Appl.Math., 220(2008) 373-393
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[9]. S.P.Mao, S.C.Chen, Convergence analysis of Morley element on anisotropic meshes, J.Comp.Math.,24(2006)2: 169-180.
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[13]. S.C.Chen, Y.C.Zhao, D.Y.Shi,Non C0 Nonconforming elements for elliptic fourth order singular perturbation problem, J.Comp.Math.,23( 2005) 2: 185-198.
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[17]. Z.C.Shi, S.C.Chen, F.Zhang,Convergence Analysis of Bergan Energy Orthogonal Plate Element, Math.Modl.Mech.Appl.Scie.,4(1994)489-507
[18]. 陈绍春, 石钟慈 构造单元刚度矩阵的双参数方法 计算数学 3(1991), 286-296
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(1)与自锁现象有关的数学物理问题新的有限元模式,1996.1—1998.12, 批准号:19571075
(2)复合材料有限元的数学理论及其应用,1999.1—2001.12, 批准号:19871079
(3)各向异性有限元,2002.1—2004.12 批准号:10171092
主要从事有限元方法研究及其应用。先后获得“河南省跨世纪学术与技术带头人”、“河南省优秀专家”、“河南省高等学校创新人才工程培养对象”、河南省特聘教授等称号;2006年入选科学与工程世界名人录;国际SIAM会员;兼任中国计算数学学会常务理事;河南省数学学会秘书长;省科协协会理事;全国大学生数学建模河南赛区组委会副主任;中学生奥林匹克数学竞赛河南赛区竞赛委员会主任;《河南科学》编委。1997-1999年期间,任日本东京工业大学客座研究员、日本东京工业大学外国人研究员;2001、2003年两次到澳大利亚悉尼科技大学做访问教授、香港城市大学访问教授、中国科学院访问教授、西安交通大学客座研究员。近五年主持、完成国家自然科学基金2项;省部级项目4项;获省优秀科技成果及论文奖9项;有2项成果通过省科技厅鉴定,处于国内领先、国际先进水平。近五年发表学术论文90余篇;参编国家《数学大辞典》;主编《数值计算方法》。培养研究生69人(其中毕业博士 6人、硕士50人;在读博士生3人、硕士生10人)。
[1] Yuan Jinjiang, Induced matching extendable graphs, Journal Graph Theory, 28:4(1998), 203-214.
[2] Yuan Jinjiang, A note on the complexity of single-machine scheduling with a common due date, earliness-tardiness, and batch delivery costs, European Journal of Operational Research, 94(1996), 203-205.
[3] Yuan Jinjiang, Z.H. Liu, C.T. Ng and T.C.E. Cheng, Single machine batch scheduling problem with family setup times and release dates to minimize makespan, Journal of scheduling, 9(2006), 499-513.
[4] T.C.E. Cheng, C.T. Ng and Yuan Jinjiang, The single machine batching problem with family setup time to minimize maximum lateness is strongly NP-hard, Journal of Scheduling, 6(2003), 483-490.
[5] Yuan Jinjiang and Q. Wang, Partition the vertices of a graph into induced matchings, Discrete Mathematics, 263(2003), 323-329.
[6] T.C.E. Cheng, C.T. Ng, Yuan Jinjiang and Z.H. Liu, Single machine parallel patch scheduling subject to precedence constraints, Navel Research Logistics, 51(2004), 949-958.
1. Synchronization of the near-identical chaotic systems with the unknown parameters,Applied Mathematical Modelling,2010,(34)7:1788-1797(SCI)
2. Finite-time stability with respect to a closed invariant set for a class of discontinuous systems,Appl. Math. Mech..30(8), 1069-1075 (2009), (SCI)
3. Stabilization for a Class of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems via Output Feedback, IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2008(vol.53,No.1): 360-367( SCI)
4. Stability for uncertain nonlinear dissipative systems Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 32, No. 12, December 2008, Pages 2768-2774( SCI)
5. An asymptotic stability theorem of Peuteman-Aeyels for Ito processes and its applications in synchronous switching systems, Systems &Control Letters, 2006 (55) :963-970( SCI)
6. Stabilization for a Class of Large-Scale Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Decentralized Controller Design. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 20:127-134,2007 ( SCI)
7. Adaptive Control of higher order nonholonomic systems,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,27(4):501-508,2006. ( SCI)
8. On Stability and Stabilization of time-varying nonlinear control systems. Asian Journal of Control,vol.7 No.3,pp:244-255,2005 ( SCI)
9. On stability of discontinuous systems via vector Lyapunov functions.Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 28(12): 1613-1620,2007 (SCI)
10. ADAPTIVE H-INFINITY CONTROL OF A CLASS OF UNCERTAIN NONLINEAR SYSTEMS,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,2006(9):1056-1064 (SCI)
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 非线性不连续系统的稳定与镇定(2009.1-2011.12)
2.留学归国人员启动基金,右端不连续系统反馈镇定,( 2008.1—2010.12)
3. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,一般非线性系统的纤维丛理论研究( 1993.11-1995.12)
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