1982年毕业于河南大学物理系,获理学学士学位,毕业后留校任教。1988年毕业于华中科技大学物理系,获凝聚态物理硕士学位。1996年毕业于获德国维尔茨堡大学物理化学研究所,获博士学位。1996年5月至今郑州大学物理工程学院工作,1997年评为河南省科学与技术带头人培养对象,1998年晋升教授,1999年被评为河南省高校创新人才培养对象,2001年被评为河南省杰出人才创新基金获得者和博士生导师。2002 -2003年葡萄牙米尼奥大学物理中心访问学者。2006年被评为郑州大学优秀研究生指导教师和三育人先进个人。兼任郑州大学学术委员会委员,物理工程学院教授委员会主任委员,光电信息科学研究所所长,中国物理学会光散射专业委员会副主任,《光散射学报》副主编,《Open Journal of Modern Physics》和《Physics Express》编委等。
Jinna He, Chunzhen Fan, Pei Ding, Shuangmei Zhu & Erjun Liang*, Near-field engineering of Fano resonances in a plasmonic assembly for maximizing CARS enhancements, Scientific Reports, 6:20777 (2016) (通讯作者).
Xianghong Ge, Yanchao Mao, Xiansheng Liu, Yongguang Cheng, Baohe Yuan, Mingju Chao, Erjun Liang*, Negative thermal expansion and broad band photoluminescence in a novel material of ZrScMo2VO12, Scientific Reports, 6:24832 (2016) (通讯作者).
Y. G. Cheng, X. S. Liu, H. J. Chen, M. J. Chao and E. J. Liang*, In situ investigation of the surface morphology evolution of the bulk ceramic Y2Mo3O12 during crystal water release, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 17, 10363-10368 (2015) (通讯作者).
Jinna He, Pei Ding, Junqiao Wang, Chunzhen Fan and Erjun Liang*, Ultra-narrow band perfect absorbers based on plasmonic analog of electromagnetically induced absorption, OPTICS EXPRESS, 23(5), 6083-6091(2015) (通讯作者).
Xiansheng Liu, Yongguang Cheng, Erjun Liang*, Mingju Chao, Interaction of crystal water with the building block in Y2Mo3O12 and the effect of Ce3+ doping, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys, 16, 12848-12857(2014) (通讯作者).
J. Q. Wang, C. Z. Fan, P. Ding, J. N. He, Y.G.Cheng, W. Q. Hu, G. W. Cai, E. J. Liang*, Q. Z. Xue, Tunable broad-band perfect absorber by exciting of multiple plasmon resonances at optical frequency, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20(14), 14871-14878(2012) (通讯作者).
Li, Z. Y.; Song, W. B.; Liang, E. J*. Structures, Phase Transition, and Crystal Water of Fe2-xYxMo3O12, J PHYS CHEM C 115(36) (2011) 17806-17811 (通讯作者).
J. Zhang, E.J. Liang*, X.H. Zhang, Rapid synthesis of La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3?δ electrolyte by a CO2 laser and its electric properties for intermediate temperature solid state oxide fuel cells,J. Power Sources, 195:6758-6763(2010) (通讯作者).
P. Ding, E. J. Liang*, W. Q. Hu, Q. Zhou, L. Zhang, Y. X. Yuan, Q. Z. Xue, SPP-associated dual left-handed bands and field enhancement in metal-dielectric-metal metamaterial perforated by asymmetric crosshole arrays, Optics Express, 17:2198–2206 (2009) (通讯作者).
Weiqin Hu; Erjun Liang*, Pei Ding, Genwang Cai, Qianzhong Xue,Surface plasmon resonance and field enhancement in #-shaped gold wires metamaterial, Optics Express,17:21843-21849(2009) (通讯作者).