
标题: 【朱志兀】郑州大学化学与分子工程学院研究生导师介绍 [打印本页]

作者: 信息发布    时间: 2017-2-28 20:00
标题: 【朱志兀】郑州大学化学与分子工程学院研究生导师介绍




  1997-2005,美国加利佛尼亚大学Santa Cruz分校,环境毒理学和分子生物学Assistant教授










  2014, 07-2016, 06,  “治疗心血管疾病先导物的发现和研究”(中健药业研发有限公司,横向合作资金), 资助金额:600万,主持人。

  2009-2012,  “天然生物活性成分的提取和鉴定”(Golden River Laboratory, Inc. 横向合作资金), 资助金额:30万,主持人。




  2006-2009,“Cyclin dependent kinases, Cdc28 and Pho85, controlling nutrient copper homeostasis” 国家自然科学基金(美国),经费:$42万美元,主持人。

  2004.6.1-2005.6.30,  “Molecular studies of iron regulated RNR2 expression in cancer biology” 加州大学(Santa Cruz)特别研究资助,资助金额:$1.5万美元,主持人。

  2004.11.1-2006.10.31,“Characterization of a family of putative heme chaperones”,Roche贫血研究基金会,资助金额:$27.4万美元,共同主持人。

  1998-2003,“Dynamic regulation of copper homeostasis” 美国国家科学基金项目,资助金额:$40万美元,主持人。

  1998-2000,“Copper homeostasis in eukaryotic cells” 美国国家卫生院James A. Shannon Director奖励基金, $10万美元,主持人。

  2000-2001,加州大学(Santa Cruz)教师奖励基金,$0.5美元万。

  Research Funding Award, Office of Vice Chancellor for Research, 加利佛尼亚大学(Santa Cruz)$2万美元。

  发表论文:朱志兀,姚琳,“铜离子稳态平衡分子机理研究进展”生命科学 08,847-857,2012。

  Wang, Lianhui, Li, Jingya, Cui, Xiuling, Wu, Yusheng, Zhu, Zhiwu, Wu, Yangjie, “Synthesis of biaryls through a one-pot tandem borylation/Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction catalyzed by a palladacycle”, European Journal of Organic Chemistry 3, 595-603, 2012.

  Wang, Lianhui, Li, Jingya, Cui, Xiuling, Wu, Yusheng, Zhu, Zhiwu, Wu, Yangjie, “Cyclopallaated  ferrocenylimine as efficient catalyst for the synthesis of arylboronate esters”, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 352, 2002-2010, 2010.

  Yang, Fan; Wu, Yangjie; Zhu, Zhiwu; Zhang, Jinli; Li, Yanan, “Direct ortho-arylation of 2-arylbenzoxazoles via C-H activation”, Tetrahedron 64, 6782-6787, 2008.

  Zhang, Jinli Wu, Yangjie; Zhu, ZhiWu; Ren, Gerui; Mak, Thomas C. W.; Song, Maoping(2007)Application of palladacycle catalyst in the synthesis of mono-arylpyridyl bromides. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 21(11), 935-940.

  Ning Ma, Zhiwu Zhu and Yangjie Wu*(2007) Cyclopalladated ferrocenylimine: a highly effective catalyst for the borylation/suzuki coupling reaction. Tetrahedron,63, 4625–4629.Kaushik Ghosh, Alisha Thompson, Eric Oh, Xiaoli Shi, Robert A. Goldbeck, Zhu Zhiwu, Chris Vulpe, and Theodore R. Holman (2005) Spectroscopic and Biochemical Characterization of Binding of Heme to Yeast Dap1p and Mouse PGRMC1p .  Biochemistry 44, 16729-16736.

  Shi, X., Stoj, C., Romeo, A., Kosman, D. J. and Zhu, Z. (2003) Fre1p Cu2+ Reduction and Fet3p Cu1+ Oxidation Modulate Copper Toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 50309-50315.

  Shi, X., Chabarek, K., Budai, A. and Zhu, Z. (2003) Iron Requirement for GAL Gene Induction in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 43110-43113. Kwik-Uribe, Catherine L.; Reaney, Stephen; Zhu, Zhiwu; Smith, Donald*  (2003) Alterations in cellular IRP-dependent iron regulation by in vitro manganese exposure in undifferentiated PC12 cells; Brain Research; 1, 1-15.

  Yonkovich, J, McKenndry, R., Shi. X. and Zhu, Z. (2002) Copper ion-sensing transcription factor Mac1p post-translationally controls the degradation of its target gene product Ctr1p.  J. Biol. Chem. 277, 23981-23984.

  Zhu, Z., Heredia, J. and Teves, R. (2002) Sensory protein modification: A new feature in copper balancing, in Handbook of copper pharmacology and toxicology, ed. E. J. Massaro, Human Press, Totowa, NJ, pp.475-480.

  Heredia, J., Crooks, M, and Zhu, Z. (2001) Phosphorylation and Cu+-coordination dependent DNA-binding of the transcription factor Mac1 in the regulation of copper transport.  J. Biol. Chem. 276, 8793-8797.

  Zhu, Z., McKendry, R. and Chavez, C. L. (2000) Signaling in Copper Ion Homeostasis.  In Cell and Molecular Responses to Stress, vol. 1, Kenneth B. Storey and Janet M. Storey ed.  JAI Press, Stamford, CT.

  Zhu, Z., Simon, L., Pena, M. O. and Thiele, D. J. (1998) Copper differentially regulates the activity and degradation of yeast Mac1 transcription factor.  J. Biol. Chem. 273,1277-1280.

  Simon, L., Zhu, Z. and Thiele, D. J. (1997) Copper-specific transcriptional repression of yeast genes encoding critical components in the copper transport pathway.  J. Biol. Chem. 272,15951-15958.

  Szczypka, M. S., Zhu, Z., Silar, P. and Thiele, D. J. (1997) Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mutants Altered in Vacuole Function Are Defective in Copper Detoxification and

  Iron-Responsive Gene Transcription. Yeast 13, 1423-1435.

  Zhu, Z. and Thiele, D. J. (1996) A specialized nucleosome modulates transcription factor access to a C. glabrata metal responsive promoter.  Cell 87, 459-470.

  Zhu, Z. and Thiele, D. J. (1996) Toxic metal-responsive gene transcription.  In Stress-Inducible Cellular Responses.  Feige, U., Morimoto, R. I., Yahara, I. and Polla, B. S. (ed), Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland.

  Zhu, Z., Petering, D. H. and Shaw III, C. F. (1995) Electrostatic influences on the kinetics of the reactions of lobster metallothioneins with the electrophilic disulfides 2,2’-dithiodipyridine (PySSPy) and  5,5’-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (ESSE).  Inorg. Chem. 34, 4477-4483.

  Zhu, Z., DeRose, E. F., Petering, D. H. and Shaw III, C. F. (1994) Sequential proton resonance assignments and metal cluster topology of lobster metallothionein-1.  Biochemistry 33, 8858-8865.

  Zhu, Z., Szczypka, M. S. and Thiele, D. J. (1993) Transcriptional regulation and function of yeast metallothionein.  In Genetics Response to Metals  ed. Sarkar, B., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY.

  Zhu, Z., Goodrich, M., Isab, A. A. and Shaw III, C. F. (1992) Biphasic reactions of DTNB with lobster Cd6- and Cd5Cu-metallothionein-2 which have two type-B (M3S9) clusters.  Inorg. Chem. 31,1662-1667.


  1990- 美国化学会会员

  2002- 美国遗传学会会员

  2002- 美国生物化学和分子生物学学会会员






  Journal of Molecular Microbiology期刊审稿人

  Journal of Physiological Genomics期刊审稿人

  Journal of Eukaryotic Cells期刊审稿人

  2003, 2004为Journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEM)审稿3篇

  2005年为Journal of Bioorganic Synthesis审稿1篇。


  2nd International Meeting on Copper Homeostasis and Its Disorders: Molecular and Cellular Aspects, Ravello, 意大利, 1999,9, 大会特邀报告。

  University of California at Berkeley, 2001, 邀请学术报告。

  3rd International Meeting on Copper Homeostasis and Its Disorders: Molecular and Cellular Aspects.  Ravello, 意大利, 2001, 大会特邀报告。

  11th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals, Berkeley, CA, June, 2002, 大会特邀报告。

  University of California at Berkeley, 2003, 邀请学术报告。

  4th International Meeting on Copper Homeostasis and Its Disorders: Molecular and Cellular Aspects, Ravello, Italy, October 2004, 大会特邀报告。

  San Francisco State University, 2005,邀请学术报告。

  郑州大学, 2005,邀请学术报告.

  中科院河南化学研究所, 2005,邀请学术报告。

  徐州师范大学, 2005,邀请学术报告。

  上海大学, 2005,邀请学术报告。


  安徽中医学院, 2011,邀请学术报告。



  Division of Natural Sciences CAMP Undergraduate Research Symposium, October 1, 1999, UCSC.  Cordova, S. D., Chavez, C. L. and Zhu, Z. “The role of MAC1 in yeast differentiation of physiological and toxic levels of copper”.

  National Minority Research Symposium. November 8-11, 2000, Washington D.C.  Herdia, J., Crooks, M., Zhu, Z. “Phosphorylation and Copper-Coordination Dependent DNA-Binding of the Transcription Factor Mac1p in the Regulation of Copper Transport”.

  Division of Natural Sciences & Jack Baskin School of Engineering, Undergraduate Research Symposium, May 31, 2001, UCSC.  Yonkovich, J. and Zhu, Z. “The role of phosphorylation of Mac1p in regulating copper homeostasis”.

  The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences.  Depaz, M. and Zhu, Z. “PHOSPHORYLATION IN YEAST COPPER ION SIGNALING”. The California Alliance for Minority Participation in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Statewide Conference.  Depaz, M. and Zhu, Z. “PHOSPHORYLATION IN YEAST COPPER ION SIGNALING”. 11th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals, June 2-6, 2002, Berkeley, CA. Yonkovich, J., Shi, X. and Zhu, Z. “Copper ion signaling through Mac1p phosphorylation in yeast copper homeostasis”.

  11th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals, June 2-6, 2002, Berkeley, CA. Wang, Y., Heredia, J. and Zhu, Z. “Molecular definitions of yeast physiological and toxic copper levels”.

  The American Caner Society Schilling Research Conference/From the caner cell to a tumor: tumors as outlaw organs, September 18-21, 2002, Seascape Resort, Aptos, CA.

  Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology Meeting, July 30-August 4, 2002, Madison, WI.  Yonkovich, J., McKenndry, R., Shi, X. and Zhu, Z. “Copper ion-sensing transcription factor Mac1p post-translationally controls the degradation of its target gene product Ctr1p”.

  5th Annual Napa conference on Nutritional Toxicology and Metabolomics…the Next Generation, August 25, 2003, Napa, CA.  Shi, X., Chabarek, K., Buda, A. and Zhu, Z. “ Iron is required for galactose metabolism”.


  ASBMB Symposium: Copper and zinc receptors in signaling, trafficking and disease, October 24-27, 1997, Lake Tahoe, CA。

  National Academy of Sciences Colloquium: Proteolytic processing and physiological regulation.  Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, Irvine, CA, February 20-21, 1999。  Graduate student Chavez, C. attended。


  学生姓名 系科/专业 学位 年期

  Chris Chavez Biology Ph.D. 1998-1999

  YongXing Wang ETOX M.S. 2000-2002

  Xiaoli Shi ETOX Ph.D. 2001-2005

  Kate Chabarek ETOX Ph.D. 2002-2005

  Alisha Thompson Chemistry Ph.D. 2002-

  Eric Hobler Chemistry Ph.D. 2004-

  Tom Jursa ETOX Ph.D. 2004-

  Eric Hobler Chemistry  Ph.D. 2004-

  张玉薇  化学生物学Ph.D.   2005-2010

  李伟伟  化学生物学M.S.2006-2009

  徐明  化学生物学M.S.2006-2009

  姚凤娟  化学生物学M.S.2006-2009

  王连会  化学生物学M.S.2007-2010

  梁柱业  化学生物学M.S.2007-2015

  许晨烨  化学生物学M.S.2007-2010

  秦李晋  化学生物学M.S.2007-2010

  崔洪萌  化学生物学M.S.2007-2010

  慕婷  化学生物学M.S.2008-2011

  孙亮 化学生物学 M.S. 2008-2011

  刘琴琴 药物化学 M.S. 2007-2010

  吕莎莎 药物化学 M.S. 2009-2012

  刘钰 有机化学 M.S. 2009-2012

  李昭 药物化学 M.S. 2009-2012

  元永威 药物化学 M.S. 2009-2012

  李二永 药物化学 M.S. 2009-2012

  陈朝阳 药物化学 M.S. 2010-2013

  魏言真 药物化学 M.S. 2010-2013

  余科义 有机化学 Ph.D. 2010-2014

  王文娟 药物化学 M.S. 2011-2014

  张斌 化学生物学 M.S. 2011-2014

  姜小杰 化学生物学 M.S. 2011-2014

  张旭 化学生物学 Ph.D.

  卫姣 化学生物学 M.S. 2012-2015

  李永 有机化学 M.S. 2012-2015

  陈伟 有机化学 M.S. 2012-2015

  赵淑琪 药物化学 M.S. 2012-2015


  学生姓名 年期

  Roslyn McKendry  1998-1999

  Catherine L. Kwik-Uribe 2001-2003Jeung H Kim 2005-

  Xiaoli Shi 2006-


  姓名 年期

  Jose Heridia 1999-2001

  Micah Visconte 2001-2002


  学生姓名 年期

  Jose Heredia 1998-2001 UCSD Ph.D. program.

  Sarah Cordova 1999-2000 Pennyson High School, Hayward, CA.

  Kerry Adams 1998-1999 U of Vermont Medical School, Burlington, VT.

  Cesar Castillo 1998-2000 UCLA Medical School, CA

  Tren Thu 1998-1999 UC Berkeley Medical School

  Shabnam Hariri 1999-2000

  Matthew T Crooks 1998-2000 U of Chicago Medical School, Chicago, IL.

  Jesse Lee Yonkovich 2000-2002 U of Indiana Bloomington

  Ryan Teves 2000-2001 U of Hawaii, Hawaii Medical School

  Maria Depaz 2000-2001

  Ava Chou 2000-2001

  Josi Colman 2000-2001 New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, NY.

  Kwasi Addae 2000-2001

  Brain Gordon 2000-2001

  Janice Liu 2000-2001

  Micah Visconte 2000-2002 U of California Santa Cruz, Ph.D. program.

  Alice Elisabeth Budai 2000-2003

  Michael Edward Vermillion 2001-2002 U of California Santa Barbara, Ph.D. program.

  Eugene Chow 2002-2003 Ph.D. student, UC San Diego.

  Eric Hobler 2002-2003 Ph.D. student, UC Santa Cruz.

  通信地址:郑州市大学路75号郑州大学分析测试中心邮编: 450052  电话:13503868327

  Email :zhuzhiwu@zzu.edu.cn

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